upgrade 2008R2 DC to 2012
2008R2 DC to 2012 업그레이드
I have a single DC domain based on Win2008R2. I want to upgrade my one and only DC to 2012. Do I need to run adprep from 2012 media first? Or do I just run setup and let the upgrade process prepare the AD? Not finding much info on this single DC situation. Thanks.
현재 Windows 2008 R2에 single DC를 가지고 있습니다. 이걸 Windows Server 2012로 업그레이드 하고싶은데요.
adprep를 먼저 실행해야하나요? Single DC 업그레이드 하는 방법 및 정보를 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
use always different hardware. Never use a updated system in production. It will always fail.
You can do a "swing migration" if you need to use the same hardware.
Swing from your 2008 to a temporary DC, e.g. in a virtual environment, can run on a client PC, backup all needed data, install 2012 newly on old 2008 R2 hardware and swing back from tempDC to 2012
If you want to use same hardware for 2012’s DC. Please follow mark’s suggestion. But we recommend that you could install a new 2012 DC in your domain environment. In 2012, the system will auto adprep /forest and adprep /domainprep when you install a 2012 DC in your old domain.
Please check this article: